EMS Technical Data Sheets

Glass Knife Boat; Quick Boat

EMS Catalog #71009


Quick Boat can be used as a glass knife boat or similar knife boat. The Quick Boat is fast and offers easy handling, by just turning a screw. As well it comes with soft silicone rubber for sealing and it is reusable.

Available In 4 Sizes: 6.0mm, 6.4mm, 8.0mm, and 10mm knives

To Use

A. Set the knife to the ultramicrotome:

Firstly, set the knife to the ultramicrotome and attach Quick Boat to the knife by using a stereomicroscope.

B. Adjust the height:

Adjust the height of the boat and knife edge so they are almost the same level as B-1 diagram.

C. Adjust the angle:

Adjust the angle of the boat so they are on the same level as C-1 diagram. During adjustment, touch the C-2 position (touch both glass knife and boat) within your finger so that it is easy to confirm the angle of the boat.

D. Locking the Boat:

Upon completion of height and angle adjustment, tighten the locking screw to fix the boat.


Upon placement of the boat to the knife, make sure that the knife is clamped in position with the ultramicrotome before setting the boat. If the knife is not fixed to the ultramicrotome, damage may be caused to the silicone rubber.

Do not use the left side of the screw hole as is shown in the drawing. This hole is required for production purposes only.

Remove Quick Boat from Case

The quick boat is fixed with a lock-plate. To remove, hold the quick boat by the left hand and loosen the locking screw by the right hand.

Handling of Quick Boat

Setting the boat to knife: Place the boat on the knife softly. For sealing, there is a soft silicone rubber.To keep in good water condition, 6 glass balls are attached to the silicone rubber as is shown below.

Online Ordering

Glass Knife Boat; Quick Boat