Taylor's Method for Bacteria
EMS Catalog #: 26108-Series
10% Buffered Neutral Formalin (#15740)
Paraffin @ 6 microns
Staining Procedure:
Use Control Slide
- Deparaffinize and hydrate to distilled water.
- Harris Hematoxylin, (#26108-01) for 5-10 minutes. Wash in running distilled water 1 minute.
- Differentiate in Acid Alcohol, (#26108-06). Wash in running water 3 minutes.
- Wash in Lithium Carbonate Solution, (#26108-05) to intensify blue ***From this point carry only one slide at a time.
- Wash in running water, 5 minutes. Hucker's Crystal Violet, (#26108-02) two minutes. Wash quickly in water.
- Mordant in Gram's Iodine, (#26108-04) 1 minute. Wash in water. Blot with filter paper moistened with water, but do not allow to dry.
- Decolorize in Acetone:Alcohol, (#26108-07) until no more blue comes off. Blot with filter paper moistened with Acetone:Alcohol, but do not allow to dry.
- Basic Fuchsin Working, (#26108-3A) or (5.0ml Basic Fuchsin Stock (#26108-03) and 60.0ml Distilled water) for 3 minutes. Wash in water. Blot with filter paper moistened with water, but do not allow to dry.
- Dip in Acetone, (#26108-08) until section begins to decolorize.
- Differentiate in Picric Acid-Acetone, (A-108-9) until section becomes reddish-brown-yellow (15 seconds).
- Pass quickly through Acetone-Xylene, 1:2, (#26108-10), then Acetone-Xylene, 1:3 (#26108-11).
- Clear in Xylene, (#23400) two changes. Mount.
Gram-Positive Organisms |
blue to blue-black |
Gram-Negative Organisms |
bright red |
Nuclei |
brownish red |
Erythrocytes |
red to yellow-green |
Necrotic Tissue |
yellow-green |
Cytoplasm |
yellow |
Connective Tissue |
red |
AFIP Manual of Histological Staining Methods, 3rd ed., Ed. L. Luna: New York: McGraw Hill Publications, c. 1968, p. 226.
Clark, G.: Staining Procedures, Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 3rd Ed., c. 1973, p. 320
Taylor, R.D., Amer. J. Clin. Path., 46:472 (1966).
Product Information
Taylor's Method for Bacteria