We now offer a complete line of prepared, ready-to-use, high quality staining solutions for all standard staining procedures used by the Biological Staining Commission and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
All solutions and concentrations are packaged and prepared in convenient and precise quantities.
Premixed ready-to-use; saves you time and effort
Consistently uniform results are obtained
For a partial list of all of our stains, please see the Stains Chart and for descriptions of the stains, see chemicals section.
Certified for Staining Bone. Stain for nervous tissue in small invertebrates, and for sections of nervous tissue. Use to differentiate bone from cartilage in mammalian embryos; used with Toluidine Blue.
Used with biebrich scarlet for staining collagen, reticulum, muscle, plasma, and nuclei. All connective tissues. Used as a counterstain with red nuclear dye.
Important component of Giemsa's stain for blood protozoa. Used for staining semi-thin sections of plant tissue. Polychromatic stains for thin sections.
Water-soluble; Alcohol-slightly soluble. An important component of Giemsa's stain for blood protozoa. Used for staining semi-thin sections of plant tissue.
Used with picric acid/aniline blue for staining collagen, recticulum, muscle, and plasma. Also Luna's method for erythrocytes & eosinophil granules and Guard's method for sex chromatin and nuclear chromatin.
Vogt's method for nerve cells. A neurological tissue stain. Nissl substance & PAS-positive material. Powers & Clark method for spinal cord and brain with formalin or Bouins fixed.
For Gram positive/Gram negative bacteria, filaments, Holzer's method for glial fibers, Amyloid in human tissue and chromatin and nucleoli in plant tissue.