A Combined Hematoxylin And Eosin / Methenamine Silver Stain
EMS Catalog # 26123
For The Histological Diagnosis Of Fungi In Tissue Sections
10% Buffered Neutral Formalin (NBF)
3-4 um
Staining Procedure
- Deparaffinize and hydrate to distilled water.
- Oxidize in Chromic Acid, 10% for 10 minutes.
- Rinse with 3-4 changes of tap water.
- Rinse in Sodium Bisulfite, 1% for 1 minute to remove any residual Chromic Acid.
- Wash in running water, 5-10 minutes.
- Rinse with 3-4 changes of distilled water.
- Place in freshly mixed working methenamine Silver Nitrate Solution in a water bath @ 58-60 °C, for 15-25 minutes or until sections turn yellowish brown.
Methenamine Silver Nitrate Stock:
• Silver Nitrate, 5% Aq. . . . 5 ml
• Methenamine, 3% Aq. . . . 100 ml
Use chemically clean glassware. Shake well to dissolve precipitate. Store in refrigerator .
Then to prepare Methenamine Silver Nitrate Working solution:
• Methenamine Silver Nitrate Stock Solution . . . 25 ml
• Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 ml
• Sodium Borate, 5% Aq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ml
- Rinse in 6 changes of distilled water.
- Tone in Gold Chloride, 0.2% for 2-5 minutes.
- Rinse in 3-4 changes of distilled water.
- Remove unreduced Silver with Sodium Thiosulfate, 2% for 2-5 minutes.
- Wash thoroughly in tap water for 10 minutes.
- Place in Harris ' Hematoxylin for 10 minutes.
- Rinse in 3-4 changes of tap water.
- Place in Acetic Acid, 3%) for 1 minute.
- Rinse in 2 changes tap water.
- Place in Ammonia Water, 0.25% 10 minutes.
- Rinse in 2 changes tap water.
- Place in 95% alcohol, 1 minute.
- Place in Eosin Y, 1% Alcoholic for 5 minutes.
- Dehydrate in 95% alcohol , absolute alcohol and clear in xylene, 2 changes each.
- Mount with Permount.
Stain Results
Organisms |
Blue-Black |
Background |
Rose |
Lamps, Laura W. et al A Combined Hematoxylin and Eosin/ M ethenamine Silver Stain for the Histological Diagnosis of Fungi in Tissue Sections. , J. of Histotechnology 23:4 p. 341-345
Product Information
Chromic AcidSilver NitrateMethenamineSodium BorateGold ChlorideSodium ThiosulfateHarris’ HematoxylinAcetic AcidAmmonia WaterEosin YAlcoholic
Combined Hematoxylin And Eosin / Methenamine Silver Stain