Taft's Method for Nucleic Acids
EMS Catalog #: 26777-Series
Carnoy’s (#64130-05) or absolute alcohol.
Paraffin @ 4 Microns.
Staining Procedures:
- Deparaffinize and hydrate to distilled water.
- Immerse in the Methylene Green-Pyronin Stain (#26777-01) for 10 minutes. The stain may be filtered before use.
- Rinse in distilled water, twice briefly.
- Carefully blot dry with several thicknesses of smooth filter paper.
- Place in the Differentiating Solution (#26777-02) for 1 – 2 minutes, then hydrate again in a fresh change of the solution. If the slides are left up to 4 – 5 minutes in the second t-butyl alcohol solution, additional differentiation should not take place.
- Clear in Xylene, 2 changes, 10 minutes each. Mount in Permount (#17986-01)
Stain Results:
DNA, Deoxyribonucleic Acid |
Blue Green |
RNA, Ribonucleic Acid |
Bright Red |
Taft, E.B. Stain Tech., 26:205-212, 1951.
Microwave Procedures:
- Deparrafinize and hydrate to distilled water.
- Place slide in 40 ml filtered Methyl Green-Pyronin (#26777-01). Solution in a glass coplin jar; cover with a loose plastic cap. Heat in microwave oven for 15 seconds.
- Rinse in distilled water and blot with filter paper.
- Differentiate the damp section in Differentiating Solution (#26777-02), 2 changes, 2-3 dips.
- Clear in Xylene, 2 changes and mount.
Staining Results:
Chromotin DNA |
Blue Green |
Red Rose |
Other Elements |
Pale Pink |
Product Information
Taft's Method for Nucleic Acids