EMS Technical Data Sheets

Willco-dish®KIT dishes

EMS #70665-01 to 70665-22


The WillCo-dish®KIT Glass Bottom dishes are composed of several high-quality components:

OPTIONAL: Round, anodized, aluminum "Assembly Devices" for a quick, accurate and safe positioning and assembly of the glass coverslip and the adhesive ring.



Part 1 of 2

  1. Gather all the necessary components, before assembling.
  2. Take the white, easy-peel adhesive liner/carrier off from the long liner-strip.
  3. Position the opening in the white adhesive liner/carrier, adhesive facing up, over the round center notch on the "Adhesive-Holder", to rest on the base.
  4. Position the opening in the bottom of the dish over the same notch in the center of the Adhesive-Holder and press the dish down, firmly. (Hold the holder, including the dish, in your hands, in order to be in the position to press and turn the dish around the notch, more firmly).
  5. Take the dish from the Adhesive-Holder and check for small air-pockets. If necessary, finish the primary bonding by closing any air-pockets: use very little pressure with the round back-end of the tweezers, or some other round device.

NOTE: Using the tweezers, position the glass coverslip within the outer wall of the glass-holder and carefully shuffle the Holder between your fingertips to make the glass coverslip slide gently into place in the center of the chamber.

Part 2 of 2

  1. With the tweezers, carefully position five of the glass coverslips inside the outer wall of the Glass-Holder. Position the glass coverslip within the tiny center wall in the chamber by shuddering the Glass-Holder from side to side between the thumb and index, or your middle finger. The coverslip will then slide into place inside the tiny wall enclosing the glass chamber.
  2. Only now, take off the white adhesive liner/carrier from the bottom of the dish, by pulling of the "easy peel" slip.

NOTE: In case the adhesive ring does not release from the long liner-strip, then place the liner-strip over the Adhesive-Holder, adhesive ring face up.

  1. Position the dish, adhesive-/bottom face down, in to the center of the Glass-Holder and press firmly. This will create a strong bond between the pressure sensitive DSA adhesive and the glass coverslip.
  2. Take the dish from the Glass-Holder. If needed, pick-up the Glass-Holder from the table and press again, while holding the Glass-Holder in your hand firmly and press on and turn the dish around with the other hand. Again, check for bonding along the whole adhesive area and again look for air-pockets. It is natural to have these air-pockets, which are easily removed by putting little pressure on the glass, using the flat back-end of the tweezers.

CAUTION: DO NOT use your fingers or fingernails as the glass is razor-sharp. Also, do not put pressure on the glass, outside the adhesive area or in the adhesive opening in the middle, there the glass will respectively break off from the edge of the coverslip or it will shatter in the center.

NOTE: It is in the character of the pressure sensitive DSA adhesive, to continue improving the bonding, which will be at its maximum quality after four (4) hours.

  1. If appropriate, it may be necessary to thoroughly clean the glass bottom dish or dishes that have just been assembled. The best bonding takes four (4) hours. Sterilize, using EtO, gamma irradiation or UV light, only. Do not autoclave!

WillCo-dish®KIT Dishes