EMS Technical Data Sheets

Forensic Sciences and fluorescence with the NIGHTSEA® SFA

EMS Catalog #SFA

A trace evidence expert who had purchased our Model SFA Stereo Microscope Fluorescence Adapter system told us how valuable it could be for this application, so we wanted to introduce it to a broader audience.

We prepared several samples to exhibit at the meeting, including dust bunnies and a small bone fragment in dirt. We imaged one dust bunny sample with all five of the excitation/emission combinations we offer. While each image did look a bit different, it seemed that the most information was gathered using white light and fluorescence under Ultraviolet and Royal Blue excitation.

  • Dust bunny, white light
  • Dust bunny, fluorescence, ultraviolet excitation
  • Dust bunny, fluorescence, royal blue excitation
  • Dust bunny, white light
  • Dust bunny, fluorescence, ultraviolet excitation
  • Dust bunny, fluorescence, royal blue excitation
  • Small bone fragment in dirt, white light
  • Small bone fragment in dirt, fluorescence, ultraviolet excitation
  • Small bone fragment in dirt, fluorescence, ultraviolet excitation, with white light added

An elegant and economical way to add fluorescence to stereo microscopes for evidence examination. I love it! – Skip Palenik, Microtrace, LLC

Skip Palenik of Microtrace, LLC sent us a set of images that told a very interesting story. He was trying to identify the source of an individual fiber. It appeared colorless under white light and its appearance would not have connected it to the tinted fibers in the fabric pictured below left. The fiber did not fluoresce under Ultraviolet excitation. But under Royal Blue excitation the single fiber fluoresced orange, and this enabled him to connect it to the upper horizontal fibers in the reference fabric pictured below. The images were made using a Leica EZ4W stereo microscope outfitted with the NIGHTSEA SFA system with our new EZ4 adapter.

  • Fabric, white light
  • Fabric fluorescence, ultraviolet excitation plus transmitted white
  • Fabric fluorescence, royal blue excitation

This is our first foray into the field of forensic sciences and I am sure that we will be finding many more applications.

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