EMS Technical Data Sheets

Crystal Violet Stain For Amyloid

EMS Catalog #26301


Absolute alcohol or 10% Formalin




  1. Stain sections of fixed or unfixed tissue in Crystal Violet Solution for three to five minutes.
  2. Wash in Acetic Acid, 10%, followed by a thorough washing in water to remove all traces of acid.
  3. Examine in water or glycerine. The stain will keep for some time if sections are mounted in a saturated solution of potassium acetate or in levulose.
  4. Mount in Modified Apathy's Gum Syrup or Lieb's Abopon.

Stain Results

Amyloid Violet-Red
Tissue Blue



Clark, G.: Staining Procedures, Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore 3 rd . ed., c. 1973,p.48.

Conn , H.J., Biological Stains 4 th ed. Biotech Publications, Geneva New York , 1940.

Product Information

Crystal Violet Solution
Acetic Acid
Crystal Violet Stain