Periodic Acid Leucofushin Method
EMS Catalog #: 26853- Series
Zenker Fluid or 10% Formalin
Paraffin @ 6 microns
Staining Procedures:
- Deparaffinize and hydrate to distilled water.
- Rinse in tap water. Oxidize in Periodic Acid 1% Aqueous for ten minutes. Wash five minutes in running water.
- Stain ten minutes with Schiff’s Reagent
- Pass directly to three successive baths of two minutes each in Sodium Bisulfite 0.05M. Wash in running tap water for ten minutes.
- Stain in Weigert’s Hematoxylin or Mayer’s Acid Hemalum for two to five minutes, wash in tap water.
To prepare Weigert’s Hematoxylin:
Mix equal parts of Weigert’s A and Weigert’s B just before use.
Counterstain for one minute woth Picric Acid, Saturated (Aq) or Orange G, 1%. (A gram-Weigert staining procedure may be substituted for steps 6-8).
- Dehydrate in two changes each of 95% and absolute alcohol. Clear through Alcohol-Xylene and two changes of Xylene
- Mount in Clarita.
Stain Results:
Nuclei |
Black on Blue |
Collagen |
Pink (Orange if Picric Acid is used as counterstain) |
Reticulm |
Purplish Red (Orange-red if Picric Acid is used) |
Glycogen- |
Dark Purplish Red |
Epithelial Mucin |
Red-Purple to Violet |
Filbrin |
Pink (Pink to Violet if the Weigert Fibrin Variant was used as a counterstain) |
Cytoplasm |
Gray, yellow or Orange (depending on the counterstain) |
Clark, G: Staining Procedures, Williams & Wilkins. Co., Baltimore, 3rd Ed. C.1973, P. 156.
Product Information
Periodic Acid Leucofushin Method