EMS Technical Data Sheets

Mr. Frosty® Cryo 1°C Freezing Containers

EMS #72596-01, 72596-02, 72596-03



  1. Remove high-density polyethylene tube holder and foam insert from polycarbonate unit. DO NOT discard foam insert.
  2. Add 100% isopropyl alcohol to the fill line on the Mr. Frosty container. DO NOT overfill.
  3. Carefully replace tube holder.
  4. Place tubes containing sample into holes in tube holder.
  5. Place unit in bottom of -70°C to -80°C mechanical freezer. Leave undisturbed for a minimum of 4 hours.
  6. Remove frozen tubes from unit and place in a permanent, long-term storage freezer (at -130°C or below).

NOTE: DO NOT store full jar on its side. Store at room temperature when not in use. Replace alcohol every fifth use. Clean with non-abrasive, non-alkaline detergent. The tube holder floats with tubes in place and can be used as a floating rack when thawing samples.

Product Information

Mr. Frosty® Cryo 1°C Freezing Containers