NIGHTSEA® Fluorescence Viewing Systems

NIGHTSEA Stereo Microscope Fluorescence Adapter

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Adapt your existing lab stereo microscopes for fluorescence

The NIGHTSEA Stereo Microscope Fluorescence Adapter adapts just about any stereo microscope (dissecting microscope) for fluorescence with no modification to the microscope itself. The modular design lets you easily switch between several different excitation/emission combinations to work with a variety of fluorescent proteins and other fluorophores. There are now six different excitation/emission combinations available, plus white light.


This simple system is excellent for

  • Quick screening of your fluorescent genotypes -Drosophila, zebrafish, C. elegans,...
  • Genotype sorting
  • Fluorescence-aided dissection, injection, or micromanipulation
  • Pre-screening sample preps for confocal or other high-resolution imaging
  • Freeing up your research-grade fluorescence microscopes for more demanding work
  • New faculty start-up budgets
  • Bringing fluorescence into the teaching laboratory
  • Coating and failure analysis, circuit board work, defect location, food safety, paper analysis, and more

Fluorescence isn't just for research microscopes anymore...

  • Now sort on your laboratory-level stereos
  • Use to facilitate micromanipulation and dissection
  • Expand from your research lab to your classroom


  • Installs in seconds - just clicks into place
  • Interchangeable excitation/emission combinations
  • Move from microscope to microscope
  • No modification to your microscope needed

Economical - More Glow for the Dough...

  • Stretch your lab budget
  • Inexpensive enough for classroom use

Grows as your lab grows...

  • Buy just what you need now (up to 6 different wavelength sets)
  • Add more as your needs expand

The Stereo Microscope Fluorescence Adapter system consists of

  • Flexible gooseneck lamp base with power supply
  • Light head
  • Ring adapter for microscope (also available for Leica EZ4 series)
  • Barrier filter
  • Filter shield

The light head, barrier filter, and filter shield are interchangeable so that you can easily switch between excitation/emission light+filter combinations.

The microscope mounting adapter fits up to 67mm to work with the majority of stereo microscopes. An oversize adapter and an adapter for the Leica EZ4 series are also available.

Once you are set up for one excitation/ emission wavelength combination, additional combinations can be added by purchasing a kit that consists of a light head, barrier filter, and viewing shield. These three elements can be removed and replaced in seconds, and color coding ensures that you are using the right combination. The barrier filter clicks on to the ring adapter magnetically, so it is easy to remove it to switch back to white light viewing.

Wavelength Sets

For more in-depth information on excitations, see this Technical Data SheetTechnical Data Sheet

Designation Excitation Emission Fluorophores
UV – Ultra Violet 360-380nm 415nm LP DAPI, ...
VI – Violet 400-415nm 450nm LP CFP, ...
RB – Royal Blue 440-460nm 500nm LP GFP, eGFP, fluorescein...
RB-GO – Green Only 440-460nm 500-560nm BP GFP, eGFP, fluorescein...
CY – Cyan 490-515nm 550nm LP YFP, Venus, Lucifer Yellow...
GR – Green 510-540nm 600nm LP DsRed, dTomato...
Green-Only Barrier Filter Technical Data Sheet

The Green-Only (GO) Barrier Filter isolates the green part of the spectrum and is for use with the Royal Blue excitation source. While our other barrier filters are longpass filters this filter is a bandpass, transmitting from approximately 500 to 560nm. The longpass filter has served well for most users who need to visualize green-fluorescent protein (GFP), and if you are exploring fluorescence in nature it is preferable. The primary motivation for adding the green-only filter to the line-up was for the benefit of researchers using GFP in plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana, a common research model. Plants contain chlorophyll, which has a distinctive red fluorescence that can sometimes mask the GFP emission, making it harder to see and photograph.

Microscope Mounting Adapter - standard size fits up to 67mm. Also available for oversize (up to 84mm) and Leica EZ4 Series.

Lamp Base Light Control Options

The SFA lamp base is available in three versions: Standard, DIM, and PULSE. Standard lamp bases have a simple OFF/ON operation. DIM lamp bases feature an OFF/ON/DIM switch to change the intensity of the light. PULSE lamp bases incorporate a BNC connector that accepts a voltage signal to control the excitation source ON/OFF.

Only one control option is available per base. The DIM and PULSE options can be purchased as a part of a new system, as a retrofit to an existing base, or in a stand-alone lamp base purchased a la carte.


The DIM option adds a combined switch and dimmer control. When you first turn the unit on it is at full power. As you rotate the switch the intensity decreases, reaching about 30% power at the minimum setting. You have finer control in the brighter portion of the adjustment range. An intensity indicator (1-10) makes it easy to record and repeat preferred settings.


The PULSE option adds a BNC connector on the rear of the base that accepts a user-supplied voltage input to turn the light on and off. Some possible applications are

  • External control (computer, function generator, etc.) for precise illumination timing for photoactivation, behavioral experiments
  • PWM input for light dimming
  • ON/OFF Foot Switch option for hands-free operation


  • Voltage input - 2.8 - 6.0 VDC for ON, <0.6VDC OFF
  • Maximum operation frequency - 10kHz
  • BNC cable not included

NIGHTSEA Product Line - Additional Information

Fluorescence for Education and Outreach
Frequently Asked Questions
Instruction Manual (PDF)
Mazel, C., 2013. Adding Fluorescence to Stereo Microscopes. Microscopy Today, 21(5): 12-17. (PDF)



Aitken, J., V. Ramnath, V. Feygels, A. Mathur, M. Kim, J. Y. Park, and G. Tuell, 2010. Prelude to CZMIL: seafloor imaging and classification results achieved with CHARTS and the rapid environmental assessment (REA) processor. Proc. SPIE 7695, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVI.

Anastasio, N. C., et al., 2013. Functional status of the serotonin 5-HT2C receptor (5-HT2CR) drives interlocked phenotypes that precipitate relapse-like behaviors in cocaine dependence. Neuropsychopharmacology (13 August 2013). doi:10.1038/npp.2013.199.

Baillie, L. D., V. Hagen, K,. M. Gardner, and S. J. Mulligan, 2011. Functional imaging within individual pain fibres ex vivo with optical microscopy. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 198(2): 274-279....more citations

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