*Please note that wherever DMP-30 is listed as the accelerator in our embedding media kits you have the option to use BDMA in place of it. BDMA is less viscous, has a longer shelf life, and offers better penetration (it should be noted, however, that in order to achieve the optimum results when using BDMA in place of DMP-30 you must vary the amount. DMP-30: 1.5-2%; BDMA: 2.5-3%).
Mollenhauer Epon-Araldite Formula. For hard blocks and high image contrast. Blocks are easily sectioned. Stain Tech., 39,11 (1964).
Consists of:
450 mL EMbed-812
450 mL Araldite 502
450 mL DDSA; Specially Distilled
*50 mL DMP-30