A precise SEM test specimen for most all calibration applications.
The Structure
There are more than 1.6 million gold squares of 1µ size on silicon forming a 4-fold checkerboard pattern in an area of 5 mm square. The smallest metric checkerboard has a size of 10 x 10µ. Such checkerboards form larger metric checkerboards of 100 x 100µ - These again form checkerboards of 1 mm square. Finally, such 1 mm squares are arranged in the same manner covering a field of 5 mm square.
The edges of the empty corners in 0.1 and 1 mm checkerboards are additionally marked. The surrounding frame is 10µ wide and has an outer side length of 5.04 mm. The pattern was directly written by e-beam lithography using the new ZBA 31/32 from JENOPTIK.
The thickness layer of Si is 525 µm ± 25 µm.
The thickness layer of Au is 100 nm.
- Calibration of SEM magnification in all ranges between 20x and 50,000x.
- Check of equal scaling in X and Y
- Check of orthogonality and distortion
- Resolution test at high magnification on the edges of the gold squares
Motorized Stages
(especially for use with ESCOSY)
- Measurement of reproducibility using stored position
- Calibration of readings in X and Y
- Calibration of stage orthogonality
- Measurement of absolute positioning accuracy
Experimental Electron Lithography
(use with attachment ELPHY or PROXY-WRITER)
- Generation of metric writing fields between 10µ and 5 mm square via mark recognition and alignment
- Measurement of SEM distortion at any magnification via mark recognition on different places
- Check of defocusing in outer areas
Article of Interest
Inspecting the SEM While in Operation