Clearium® Mounting Media

Clear and coverslip your slide preparations in one easy step.

This unique product eliminates the need for hazardous xylene or xylene substitutes as a clearing agent in histology and cytology laboratories. With Clearium®, simply do away with the final step of clearing and coverslip directly from absolute isopropyl alcohol.

Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Cat #: 13520-11 Description: Clearium®, Pint Pack: 16 oz Price: $46.50 Add to Quote:
Cat #: 13520-12 Description: Clearium®, Pint Pack: 4 x 16 oz Price: $125.00 Add to Quote:
Cat #: 13520-13 Description: Clearium®, 4 oz. Dripper Bottle Pack: 12 x 4 oz Price: $253.50 Add to Quote: