An alternative fixative to Formalin and Formaldehyde.
EMS is proud to introduce an alternative to Formalin and Formaldehyde in many different applications.
Our unique kit comes premixed and measured and ready to use. The kit consists of 2 vials: Solution A & Solution B (Absolute Ethanol, Glyoxal Solution, Acetic Acid and water).
Add solution A to solution B. Vortex the two solutions together and bring to a pH of 4.5 with the addition of NaOH 1M. The solution needs to be used immediately once mixed.
Sabatini DD. et al (1963) "The preservation of cellular ultrastructure and enzymatic activity by
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Janigan DT. et al (1965) "The effects of aldehyde fixation on acid phosphatase activity in tissue
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Dapson RW. et al (2006) "Glyoxal fixation and its relationship to immunocytochemistry."
J. Histotechnology. 29: 65-76
Dapson RW. Et al (2007) "Glyoxal fixation: how it works and why it only occasionally needs
antigen retrieval" lnforma healthcare, Dapson & Dapson, LLC
Richter K. et al (2018) "Glyoxal as an alternative to formaldehyde in immunostaining and
super-resolution microscopy" The EMBO Journal. 37: 139-159