Dyes & Stains

We now offer a complete line of prepared, ready-to-use, high quality staining solutions for all standard staining procedures used by the Biological Staining Commission and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.

  • All solutions and concentrations are packaged and prepared in convenient and precise quantities.
  • Premixed ready-to-use; saves you time and effort
  • Consistently uniform results are obtained

For a partial list of all of our stains, please see the Stains Chart and for descriptions of the stains, see chemicals section.

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Product Name Ordering Info

Eosin Y, Certified, C.N. #DcE-58

Used with Hematoxylin for showing cell nuclei in embryos and kidneys and a component of Wright's stain for blood corpuscles.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 14850 Description: Eosin Y, Certified Pack: 10 g Price: $15.00 Add to Quote:
Storage:RT Cat #: 14851 Description: Eosin Y, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $36.00 Add to Quote:

Erythrosin B, Certified, C.N. #DcEr-5

Erythrosin B, used with methylene blue as a plasma stain for nerve cells. Use crystal violet for plant tissue.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 15010 Description: Erythrosin B, Certified Pack: 10 g Price: $38.00 Add to Quote:

Fast Green FCF, Certified, C.N. #DcGf-16

Dye is resistant to fading. Mammalian tissue stain for visualizing collagen, muscle, cystoplasma, cells. Guard method for sex chromatin.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 15500 Description: Fast Green FCF Certified, C.N. #Dcgf-16 Pack: 5 g Price: $28.50 Add to Quote:

Giemsa Stain, C.N.#DcGe-23, Powder

Thin film stain for differentiation of types of leucocytes; Rickettsiae, bacteria, & inclusion bodies. May-Grunwald/Giemsa for bone marrow stain. Pinkus' acid orcein-giemsa for connective tissue staining.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 15942 Description: Giemsa Stain Powder, Certified Pack: 10 g Price: $49.00 Add to Quote:

Hematoxylin, Certified, C.N.#DcH-82

A certified biological stain used in histology and cytology and plastic embedded tissues.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 16620 Description: Hematoxylin, Certified Pack: 10 g Price: $54.00 Add to Quote:

Indigo Carmine, Certified, C.N. #DcI-7

Shunway's stain for animal embryos. Acid Fuchsin for staining.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 16910 Description: Indigo Carmine, Certified - SALE Pack: 25 g Price: $70.00 Add to Quote:

Light Green SF Yellowish, Certified, C.N. #DcL-38

C37H34N2Na2O9S3   F.W. 792.86   CAS #5141-20-8
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 17920 Description: Light Green SF Yellowish, Certified Pack: 10 g Price: $20.00 Add to Quote:

Methylene Blue Chloride, Certified, C.N. #DCA-37

For use in acid-fast bacteria, acid-fast baccilli, and as a rickettsia stain, Cain's method for mitochrondria. For staining Negri bodies in nerve cells.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 18600 Description: Methylene Blue, Certified C.N. #DCA-37 Pack: 25 g Price: $45.50 Add to Quote:

Methyl Green, Certified, C.N. #DcG-20

Myeloperoxidase stain used for epoxy-embedded sections.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 18700 Description: Methyl Green, Certified C.N. #DcG-20 Pack: 25 g Price: $70.00 Add to Quote:

Methyl Violet 2B, Certified, C.N. #DcMv-10

Used with Methyl Green to stain Epoxy-embedded sections.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 18850 Description: Methyl Violet 2B, Certified, BSC Code #DcMv-10 Pack: 25 g Price: $56.00 Add to Quote:


For negative staining of bacteria. With Basic Fuchsin, staining bacteria spores.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 19010 Description: Nigrosin, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $42.50 Add to Quote:

Nile Blue A, Certified #DcNb-10

A fat and lipid stain; differentiation of melamines and lipofuchsins. Staining for phospholipids. Dye content: approx. 65%.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 19020 Description: Nile Blue A, Certified #DcNb-10 Pack: 10 g Price: $21.00 Add to Quote:

Oil Red O #AcRo-19

Used as a pigment stain
Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Cat #: 19056 Description: Oil Red O Pack: 10 g Price: $20.00 Add to Quote:

Orange II

A general tissue stain with Eosin and Azur-C. Substitute for Orange G if a stronger yellow is desired for contrast.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 19060 Description: Orange II, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $27.50 Add to Quote:

Orange G, Certified, C.N. #DcO-20

For staining fibrin, keratin, collagen, and erythrocytes. Staining alpha, beta, and gamma cells. For staining nissl substances and PAS-positive material.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 19070 Description: Orange G, Certified, #DcO-20 Pack: 25 g Price: $41.50 Add to Quote:

Phenol Red Sodium Salt

A standard indicator for preparing buffers.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 19328 Description: Phenol Red, Sodium Salt Pack: 5 g Price: $38.00 Add to Quote:

Phloxine B, Certified, C.N. #EcPh-1

For staining inclusion bodies and nuclei. Thomas's method for malarial parasites. For staining hemaglobin and hemosiderin. For staining keratin, prekeratin and mucin. A beta cell stain Counterstain for hematoxylin.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 19350 Description: Phloxine B, Certified Pack: 25 g Price: $49.00 Add to Quote:

Pyronin Y, Certified, C.N. #DcPy-2

Pyronin G. Cudder's method combined Gram/Pappenheim stain for gonorrheal pus. Kurnick's method used with methyl green which stains liver cells. For staining protein in the diazosulfanilic acid technique; substitute for azur A . Can be used for Pyronin B.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 19560 Description: Pyronin Y, Certified, C.N. #DcPy-2 Pack: 5 g Price: $74.00 Add to Quote:

Safranin O, Certified, C.N. #DcS-40

Prussian Blue method for hemosiderin. Weigert's iron hematoxylin with methachromic dyes which stain nuclei and granules. A alkaline phosphate stain. Flemming's method for staining chromatin and nuclear elements.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 20800 Description: Safranin O, Certified, BSC Code #DcS-40 Pack: 25 g Price: $41.50 Add to Quote:

Sudan Black B, Certified, C.N. #DcZb-6

Solvent Black 3 is a stain for fat in animal tissue and as a stain for chromosomes, golgi, and leucocyte granules.
Storage Cat # Description MSDS Pack Price Quote Quantity
Storage:RT Cat #: 21610 Description: Sudan Black B, Certified, C.N. #DcZb-6 Pack: 25 g Price: $42.50 Add to Quote: