Isolate specimens using press-to-seal silicone isolators with removable hydrophobic barriers
Silicone isolators allow researchers to isolate specimens using removable hydrophobic barriers. They may be used to isolate cells grown in culture dishes or separate multiple specimens affixed to microscope slides.
- Silicone isolators are available in silicone thickness 0.5 to 2.5 mm
- Isolators are pre-cut into gaskets or as sheet materials with and without SecureSeal™ clean release adhesive on one or both surfaces.
- Isolators remain sealed to smooth surfaces during washing steps.
- Non-adhesive isolators are autoclavable and reusable.
- Closed chambers may be formed using flexible RNase free, HybriSlip™ covers.
Isolators are available without coverslips, and packaged 5 per pack. They are available with 3 different gasket types either:
To fulfill your needs, we also offer the Sheet Material that can be used to match your own design chambers.