PP3005 SEMCool non-airlock low temperature system

Non-airlock cryo cooling for SEM, FIB/SEM, beamline and vacuum platforms

Quick Overview

The SEMCool is based on the PP3006 CoolLok but without the PP3004 QuickLok components. It is designed for cryogenic applications where airlock exchange of specimens into the microscope is not required.

Key Features

  • Temperature range down to -190°C, with stability better than 0.5°C
  • Off-column cooling with all-day runtime between fills
  • Independent cooling of cold stage and cold trap
  • Upgrade path to CoolLok
  • 3 year warranty


Specimen holders and transfer device The compact vacuum transfer device has an easy-release bayonet fitting to a dovetail-profile specimen holder (shuttle). Standard shuttles are included, but optional holders allow a range of different specimen types to be handled.

Cold stage and cold trap A highly stable, thermally isolated, nitrogen gas-cooled cold stage attaches to the microscope stage. The location and shape of the cold trap is tailored to suit the internal geometry of the microscope. Both cold stage and cold trap are capable of reaching temperatures down to -190°C with a stability of < 0.5°C. For easy specimen exchange an LED chamber light is fitted.

The cold stage connects to the microscope stage using an adapter and has a dovetail fitting to accept a specimen holder. When not in use the cold stage is uncoupled and stored within the chamber with the gas and electrical fittings connected.

Cooling dewar, trolley and controller The cold stage and cold trap are cooled by a remotely-positioned, vacuum isolated 21 L dewar and heat exchanger assembly which at normal operating temperatures can run for up to 24 hours between fills. The gas lines between the dewar and the microscope interface are vacuum isolated for maximum thermal efficiency.

The cooling dewar sits on a floor-mounted trolley which also houses the monitor/controller for cold stage and monitor for cold trap, plus nitrogen gas flow controllers.


Vent the SEM, locate specimen holder on the cold stage, re-pump the SEM and then cool down to the required temperature. To exchange specimen, warm to above 0°C and vent the SEM.


The SEMCool requires a rotary pump to periodically evacuate the vacuum isolated lines (see Ordering Information).


warming towerwarming towerCHE3010 Rapid Warming Tower

This device is meant to facilitate a rapid warming of the CHE3010 (Cryo-Heat Exchanger) associated with the PP3010 Cryo-SEM preparation system. The Rapid Warming Tower in conjunction with a 1 liter/min Nitrogen gas flow rate dramatically reduces the lag time before the SEM or Prep chamber components return to room temperature so venting can occur. A process that normally takes hours can be completed in minutes, allowing maintenance or reconfiguring the SEM back to room temperature operation. Accepts many common, locally obtained hair dryers. (Hair Dryer not included).

Cat # Description Pack Price Quote Quantity
Cat #: PP3005 Description: PP3005 SEMCool Non-airlock Low Temperature System Pack: Each Price: $0.00 Add to Quote: