Cryo Immuno Diamond Knife

The first cryo knife with a diamond platform, guarantees the best possible sectioning for cryo-immunochemistry.

The diamond platform guarantees easy and gentle section collection. Sections are collected directly from the diamond surface using a loop and a sucrose/methylcellulose droplet (Refs. Liou, Peters).

The 35° cutting angle leads to a considerable reduction in mechanical stresses and therefore to improved structure preservation in sucrose-protected samples.


Fusion of late endosome/lyosome with the Mycobacteria tuberculosis phagosome. Aldehyde fixed cryo-section labeled with anti- CD63 and protein-A gold 10nm. Scale bar = 100nm. Nicole van der Wel and Peter J. Peters, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam.

A. Al-Amoudi, D. Studer and J. Dubochet: Cutting artefacts and cutting process in vitreous sections for cryo-electron microscopy. Journal of Structural Biology 150, pp. 109-121, 2005.

W. Liu, H. J. Geuze, J. W. Slot: Improving structural integrity of cryosections for immunogold labeling Histochemistry and Cell Biohgy, Vol. 106, PP. 41-55, 1996.

M. Michel, H. Gnagi and M. Muller: Diamonds are a cryosectioner's best friend. Journal of Microscopy, Vol 166, Pt 1, 43-56, 1992.

P. J. Peters: Cryo-lmmunogold Electron Microscopy, In Current Protocols in Cell Biology {J.S. Bonifacino, M. Dasso, J.B. Harford, J. Lippincott-Schwartz and K.M. Yamada, eds) pp. 4.7.1-4.7.12, 1999. Jonn Wiley & Sons, New York.

K. Richter: Cutting artifacts on ultrathin cryosections of biological bulk specimens. Micron, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 297-308. 1994.

P. Zhang, E. Bos, J. Heymann, H. Gnaegi, M. Kessel, P.J. Peters, S. Subramaniam: Direct visualisation of receptor arrays in frozen-hydrated sections and plungefrozen specimens of E.coli engineered to overproduce the chemotaxis receptor Tsr. Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 216, Pt 1, pp. 76-83, 2004.

What services can we offer you?

  • Technical assistance in all fields of ultramicrotomy.
  • Free sectioning tests for all types of samples.
  • Make use of our many years of experience in perfecting our knives.
  • With a telephone call, an e-mail or a fax message we can inform you of any details you require.
Supplier: DiATOME US
Cat # Description Pack Price Quote Quantity
Cat #: DCIMM3520 Description: Cryo Immuno Diamond Knife Pack: Each Price: $3,150.00 Add to Quote:
Cat #: DCIMM3520-R Description: Resharpen Cryo Immuno Diamond Knife Pack: Each Price: $0.00 Add to Quote:
Cat #: DCIMM3530 Description: Cryo Immuno Diamond Knife Pack: Each Price: $4,295.00 Add to Quote:
Cat #: DCIMM3530-R Description: Resharpen Cryo Immuno Diamond Knife Pack: Each Price: $0.00 Add to Quote: