This is a direct replacement for the Kodak Polycontrast IV RC B&W Papers. Neutral tone – Variable contrast for high speed printing applications.
MULTIGRADE RC Express PF has the standard weight of (190g/m 2) with a resin coated base.
It is especially designed for high speed printing applications, where automatic and semiautomatic printers, printer-processors and minilabs are used.
- Non-Developer Incorporated
- Short Exposures, Cool Image Tone & Cool White Base
- Recommended for high-Speed Printers and Murals
- Glossy Surface
- Available in Rolls only with Emulsion Wound Out (EWO)
- Ilford 2000RT developer/replenisher & Ilford 2000RT fixer/replenisher are designed for machine processing
- Ilford Mutigrade developer, Ilford Ilfostop-Pro stop bath and Ilford Rapid Fixer or Ilford Hypam Fixer are used for Dish/Tray processing.