These isolation tables support most of the larger microscopes and their support equipment. The air isolation platform effectively removes most removes most vibrations. The rigid frame has levelling feet which ensure the table is in excellent contact with the floor. The damped rolling diaphragm isolators have a low natural frequency of 2Hz which effectively isolates out vibrations above 6Hz, well below the frequencies at which typical building vibrations begin to occur. Options include: monitor arms, castors, frame and platform shelves and silent air compressors.
- Ferromagnetic stainless worktop with M6x26 holes on 25mm grid
- Full Active table with self-levelling automatically adjusts to load changes
- Includes platform guards
- Full width table guards protect the table against accidental knocks
- Stainless steel meets stringent cleanliness requirements and is resistant to almost all forms of chemical attack
- AMD-MA features an active 35x55cm isolation area built into the worktop
- Simply pumped up via cycle valves on a front panel
- Full width table guards protect the table against accidental knocks
Full width table guards.